Tuesday 17 June 2014

Guess who did not notify or pay the fee?

An anonymous comment, left on one of our posts below, caught our eye and needs more prominence.
Anonymous1/6/14 14:18
Perhaps it may aid your case if ATVOD were questioned on why the did not register with the Information Commisioners Office until 28th September 2013.
It would appear that they held data illegally for almost 3 1/2 years.
If so, then passing on information they held to OFCOM may too have been against the law?
It seems that ATVOD, who go about collecting personal data on individuals and publishing it along with their "determinations" that someone has failed to notify them or paid them a fee, had themselves failed to notify the Information Commissioner of its personal data processing. Neither had it paid the fee to be registered. What's more, when ATVOD belatedly registered in September last year, following complaints, they completely failed to provide the information they are obliged to. ATVOD's listing states that the purpose of their collecting private data about you is, "to enable us to promote our goods and services".  They must mean their exciting new range of ATVOD blindfolds and earplugs,  specially crafted to protect teenagers from discovering that they weren't found in the gooseberry patch or brought by the stork.

We look forward to the Information Commissioner's Office taking decisive action. But don't hold your breath. When we asked for confirmation that last September was the date of ATVOD's first registration, we were told that the ICO cannot comment because that would break the Data Protection Act.